Psychological counselling

Psychological counselling for people who use drugs and their loved ones

In the context of psychological counselling, people who use drugs and their loved ones are provided with various forms of practical help in solving psychological problems and crises, improving adaptability and realizing possibilities for self-development. 

Issues like the nature of emotions and how to guide them, identifying dangerous situations, and dealing with co-dependency are discussed during counselling sessions. Those in need of medical and/or social help are assisted in finding it. 

Psychological counselling is provided both individually as well as in a group setting. Group counselling helps to receive necessary information, talk about one’s everyday problems, and share one’s experiences in handling them. 

Counselling is FREE for everyone and anonymous!

We welcome people who use drugs or their loved ones.

Reception schedule

Psychological counselling is provided by phone or e-mail (Mon–Wed from 10am to 8pm) or at the Convictus’s counselling facility at Lastekodu Street 6, Tallinn (Mon–Wed from 10am to 6pm).

Lastekodu 6, Tallinn

Inna Farber

+372 5563

Mobile harm reduction unit

Working hours Mon-Fri web and telephone consultation 9-21. Contact counseling on weekends based on
prior registration by phone.